Daisy - July - oil painting (framed)
Oil Painting on standard edged canvas (framed)
16 x 20 x .5 inches
Framed in a black wooden floater frame, ready to hang
Shipped securely in a well fitting box
Signed on the front and back by the artist
Oil Painting on standard edged canvas (framed)
16 x 20 x .5 inches
Framed in a black wooden floater frame, ready to hang
Shipped securely in a well fitting box
Signed on the front and back by the artist
Oil Painting on standard edged canvas (framed)
16 x 20 x .5 inches
Framed in a black wooden floater frame, ready to hang
Shipped securely in a well fitting box
Signed on the front and back by the artist
July brings ‘Daisy’, and fields of flowers beautifully set against these delightful Jersey Cows. These stunning domesticated animals have soulful eyes, outlined like made-up model’s, and bodies covered in soft caramel. The Jersey’s colouring is lovely to paint against a bright turquoise background. Jersey cows are one of the most beautiful large cattle breeds with their long demure eyelashes and can be seen tranquilly grazing in fields. You can imagine their cloven-hooves painted as they wear a crown of flowers on their heads.