Cowslips - June - oil painting (unframed)
Original Oil Painting on deep edged Canvas
20 x 20 x 1.5 inches
Shipped securely in a well fitting box, ready to hang if required
Signed on the front and back by the artist
Original Oil Painting on deep edged Canvas
20 x 20 x 1.5 inches
Shipped securely in a well fitting box, ready to hang if required
Signed on the front and back by the artist
Original Oil Painting on deep edged Canvas
20 x 20 x 1.5 inches
Shipped securely in a well fitting box, ready to hang if required
Signed on the front and back by the artist
June brings ‘Cowslips’, these delightful Charolais cows, dozy, soulful, in their creamy white hides. Friendly in their massive frames, eager to stare but not to come near. Summer Solstice and mid-Summer madness, the colours of Summer are in abundance. For big livestock farmers, sheep shearing is the predominant time-consuming job that takes place in June. Through this month they are drenched to get rid of worms and will have their feet bathed to prevent discomfort and disease. The calves born in spring will have their horns removed and haymaking begins. Summer shows are a plenty. A beautiful time for painting.
“Cowslips“ is a study of white Charolais French cows, inspired by these beautiful creatures.
These soft faced, soulful eyed cows with their calm temperaments are particularly fascinating to paint with their large over-sized bodies.
This study is painted on a large, deep edged canvas in sultry grey tones in oils.